
Taken By Trees.

I have to admit that Rough Trade Records have an eye for good music "for me". There're many bands' names you can see on their website here http://www.roughtraderecords.com/ and as far as I've checked, about 60% of the bands suit my taste. Um, might be 70%?? Not sure since I'm still working on it! Checking all bands on their website. haha
Today, I found a lovely singer song writer called Taken By Trees from Rough Trade. Taken By Trees is a solo project of Victoria Bergsman who was a lead singer of Swedish band The Concreates. A sweet and girly taste of The Concreates is still alive in her solo project, but it gets sweeter and girlier and less pop. Her songs are like sweet and bitter songs that are brought by a cute girl in love. I should look up her lyrics to know how close my first impression of Taken By Trees is.

Rough Trade Recordsのサイトからアーティストを見まくってて、見つけた素敵なミュージシャンTaken By Trees (Victoria Bergsman)。彼女はかつてThe Concreatesというスウェーデンのバンドのボーカルで、このTaken by Treesは彼女のソロプロジェクト。The Concreatesの可愛らしくて、女の子らしい要素は健在してるけど、ポップな感じは削れて曲の女の子らしさに磨きがかかった感じ。
特に私が見つけた下のMusic Videoの内容は恋する女の子の可愛いけど、複雑で少し憂鬱なのが感じ取れて、私のTaken By Treesの第一印象は、恋する女の子が作った可愛くてほろ苦い曲。そういうの、大好き。笑 単純に彼女の声も好きだし。Rough Trade Recordsは私好みの音楽で溢れてるな。

Official site: http://www.takenbytrees.com/

I love her voice. :)



It's been a while since I posted the last post on this blog..! All I can say now is the typical classic words "I've been busy". haha I'm going to blog about two gigs and one festival I went if I can find a time. I always think too much when I write about shows I went..since my vocabulary is not rich enought to describe how good gigs were. Mmm frustartion. I've been making a playlist on Spotify which is kinda mess and rondom but they're good to change my mood. Tonight's BGM to get myself going for studying is old school punk such as Iggy Pop & The Stooges, Ramones, MC5, New York Dolls, Richard Hell & The Voidoids and Johnny Thunders. It looks like I should've said American Punk

最後の記事で、次はMystery Jetsなんて言っておきながら長いこと更新してないー!もしこのブログ見ている人がいたら、ごめんなさい。理由は、単純に"忙しい"でございます。1番嫌いな理由だけど、こっちの大学でいい成績残さないと、大好きなイギリスに居られる期間が短くなってしまうので今は勉強を頑張りたいと思います。といってもテストは1月なので、テスト勉強期間内に少しずつでも更新予定。Mystery JetsとEgyptian Hip HopとConstellations Festivalの感想を書こうと思ってます~画像つき!それがないとつまらない!

今夜のBGMはオールドスクールパンク!↑にも名前を挙げたように、気付けばアメリカのパンクばっかり。パンクと言えば、イギリスのイメージが強いけど、生まれたのはアメリカ。最近それに関する書籍もけっこう出てるよね~。パンクはアメリカで生まれた。みたいなさ。一応パンクの始まりはIggy Pop & The Stoogesってことで合ってるのかな?パンクのゴッドファーザーと呼ばれてるIggy Popは今でもパンクの始まりの話をするときに「俺らが始めた音楽をRolling Stoneのやつらがパンクって名付けたんだ」って言ってるし。あってる?あってるの~?← うちが好きなのはRichard Hellです。パンクスタイルの定番でもある、立てられた髪と、破かれたTシャツを始めたのは彼だと言われてて、あのSex Pistolsを売り出したマルコム・マクラ―レンにSex Pistolsに入らないかと声をかけられたんだって。かっこいい。ていうか、もし入ってたら1人だけアメリカ人になるね。Richard Hellは声と歌い方が好き。あとアメリカ勢で言うとJohnny Thundersも好き。イメージに過ぎないけど、Johnny Thundersは男の人のファンが多いような。うん。取りあえず、パンク好き。かっこいい。パンクの話したらVelvet UndergroundとかLou ReedとかPatti Smithとか出さないとダメな気がしてくるけど、そろそろここらへんでおいとましますー。というかVelvet Undergroundの音楽はパンクじゃない気がして仕方ない。

あ、最後にもうひとつ。最近邦楽では毛皮のマリーズを聞いています。メジャーデビュー前の曲たちは聞いててとても楽しめる。クラシックロック好きなのが、聞いて取れちゃうようなサウンドが好み。あとNMEでLondonベースのBo Ningenっていうバンド知ったんだけど、かなり個性的で面白い。2009年に聞いた中で1番よかったアルバムとしてThe HorrorsのボーカルFaris Badwan(Faris Rotterやめたんだね)がBo Ningenの名前を挙げてた。NMEはPsycho-metalって言ってたけど、とりあえずカルトっぽい感じの曲とか個性的なのが好きな人はお試しあれ~です。けっこう知ってる人いるみたいだけど。最近音楽に対しておばあちゃんな気がする。


Carl Barat at The Cockpit in Leeds -22/10/2010

22nd October in 2010 has become one of the best days in my life. One of The Libertines, Carl Barat played at The Cockpit in Leeds. This gig is my first gig in England, and was incredibly amazing one.

Before Carl plays, there were two supporting bands ‘Swimming’ and ‘The Heartbreaks’. I actually liked both of them and became a fan especially of The Heartbreaks. Their style including playing style and the way they dress are rockabily and a bit of like Mod but once they started playing, all songs are melodious pop with a touch of old school rock. If you like The Buzzcocks and also melodious pop rock, you might like them.


The Heartbreaks

After they finished playing, the venue was finally filled with the crowd. I could see so many people who look like fans of The Libertines just like me. There were many older people campared to other gigs I go, but I was happy to see some young fans who seem to admire Carl Barat as their hero. Ah even that part is same as me! I'm not one who encoutered the amazing and legendary band at their time.
Okay, first of all, I'll explain about the stelist of Carl's show since stuff started putting them on the stage while the supporting acts brought their stuff back. I couldn't take a piece of paper that the stlist is on even though it was right in front of me. There was more aggressive fan than I am. Damn it. But I took a picture of it, and here it is.
I know, you can't see it at all. I tried to read them and I found most of the songs he played in order except a couple of songs around the end. Sorry! x(

・Je Regrette, Je Regrette
・Run with the Boys
・The Man Who Would Be King
・Carve My Name
・She's Something
・The Mangus
・So Long, My Lover
・Up the Bracket
・Irony of Love
・What Have I Done
・Death Fires Came at Night
・Death on the Stairs
・Bang Bang You're Dead
・9 Lives (p.s. I finally got all of songs on the setlist! 28/10/2010)
・The Fall
・Truth Begins
・Time For Heros
・Music When the Lights Go Out
・Don't Look Back Into the Sun

This is all I got from the pic of the setlist and also I remember. I thought Carl would mainly play songs from his selftitled solo album, but he chose songs from The Libertines, Dirty Pretty Things and his own songs. The setlist is very well managed to make the crowd absorbed in his show and also excited. I also believed that he'd play acoustic songs a lot since he seems to like it and he's got a back band with a cello and a contrabass kinda thing..but he didn't! I was really surprised and happy at the same time when Carl palyed The Man Who Would Be King. The crowd got really excited and Carl looked like he knew they'd be like that. We sang along and it felt so good. I really think that he succeed in making the setlist. Really enjoyable and never got bored. I loved it that he put Don't Look Back Into the Sun at the very end. People do love the song and it's also chosen as an anthem of this summer. It's even worth to be an anthem of all time. I was about to cry at the moment when we all sang along the song and there was Carl Barat in front of me playing the song. Really overwhelming and moving. I felt his love toward The Libertines and his/their fans during the gig. He talked to the crowd, asked them if they want more songs from The Libertines and even tried to hear a guy's request. He is a genuin rock musician..and my hero at the same time.

from here, it'll be totally fan-talking..
After the gig, my friend and I waited Carl outside, and there was a little queue out there. Maybe just less one hour waiting, Calr came out of the venue wearing a big mod coat, and started having chats with fans in order.
I got his autograph on his autobiography that I brought with me, took a picture with him. The most precious thing for me is that his big hug!! I coudln't believe that moment that a guy who's been my hero actually was standing in front of me and gave me a big hug. He was so nice and fan-loving person. Even though security stuff kept telling us and him that we couldn't stay any longer, Carl answered fans' request and asking. He looked tired after the gig, but still wore smile on his face, had a chat with fans, and gave them hug if they want. It made me really really happy to see him like that. Now I'm just hoping that he'll come back soon and "hopefully" as The Libertines next time..

今住んでいる街LeedsにCarl Baratがライヴで来て、私の初のイギリスライヴはとても素敵なものとなったのだ!
ソロアルバムの曲中心になるかと思えば、それよりもThe Libertinesからの曲が多かったうえに、しっかりとDirty Pretty Thingsの曲(盛り上がりやすい定番を2曲)演奏してオーディエンスは大盛り上がり
The Libertines全盛期をリアルタイムで経験してない私には、このCarlのライヴでThe Libsの曲が流れた時の観客のなんとも激しい熱気と押しにかなり気分が高揚して、その瞬間にThe Libertinesがどれだけイギリスで愛されてるかを少し感じた気持ちになりました。ライヴ後に外で待つファンの為に出てきたCarlは優しくて、寒い中辛抱強く待っていたファン一人一人の要望にしっかりと答えて、少し会話をしたり、写真を撮ったり、サインをあげたりしていました。あのCarl Baratが目の前にいることが私は信じられなかったけども、このミュージシャン、バンドとの近さもイギリスの特権だなあと実感。しっかり写真、サインそしてハグをもらって結局はThe Libertines大好きないちファンの私は夢心地で帰りましたとさ。


次回はMystery Jetsのライヴ!


future and music

As I was cleaning up my room, I was thinking of my future, dream and music. I don't know why, but when I finished cleaning up my room and was looking around my tidy room which is becoming filled by stuff I like, I suddenly feel that I don't wanna leave here. I mean England. You really never know what kind of things bring you a massive and strong feeling into your heart and brain. It really (and finally) hit me that I am in England which is a place that I've been longing for a long long time. I've been here as a tourist, and it also can be described "I'm in England" but there's a huge difference. I'm in England as a student now, which is more like I live in England. I wake up by myself two hours before leaving the room in the morning, make a breakfast by myself, do a groccery shopping and go back to my place with heavy laggages, keep a note of how much you spent and clean up my room by myself. Organizing almost everything by yourself and it means you live there, it gives you an actual feeling that you live there. That's what I suddenly got today..after the cleaning up. haha I miss many people and places in japan but I'm afraid of going back there. I wanna be here and I wanna feel, touch, smell the culture where I am has. Leeds offeres you a lot of fun especially at night. You'll have many choices to enjoy your night life here. In my case, music is the most important thing to decide how to enjoy my night life of course in a day time as well though. I just love rock music. Its history such as who, which band created or developped this genre, scene, the way of playing and the way of dressing. Who made this band name famous by what event in when, what genre of music has created and become like a trend including fashion. Everything that relates to music appeals to me, and even only thinking about rock music, its history and legendary people in the scene make me cry because it gets me to know how big influence it has to culture, people and even to the world. It's indescribable how big and important music is for me and in my life.It is England where my biggest influence was developped into many ways and etablished. That's where I live now. It has lots and lots of charms that attract me. I'll definitely come back for music and its culture that surely never lets my heart go, if once I get back to the country where I was born. Something quite massive inside of me is strongly saying so now.


northern accent

リーディングの量もこれまたハンパなくて。時々諦めそうになるけど、何が主に議題にされていてどの情報が大事なのか分かるように要所だけ読まないと時間がもったいない、なんてチューターに言われたから、今どうやって一語一句チビチビ読むことなく理解するかを学び中。アカデミックリーディングって言うんだっけ?うん。そんなの。今週末は大学でのイベントづくし。Brighton Beachで好きな音楽聞いて、Stand up comedy見てくる。Alex Zaneが来るはずだから楽しみ~
今日Carl Baratのソロアルバムと、自伝が届いて幸せ。CDは明日聞く!本は文章が簡単だから、忙しくないときに読もう。
It's been 4 weeks since I came to Leeds in England. All lectures have started last week and I'm starting my week3 at the uni from next monday. My classes are all electives so they shouldn't be too hard since students who belong to other departments are also in the classes, but some classes I take are still hard...for me. AND the problem is the accent! Northern accent is really tough to catch. Every day, I meet someone with too strong accent to follow and when they go like "Ah this girl can't speak.." with frowns, it really takes my confidence and motivation from me! I thought that it was like all my faul (my english) but I met some girls saying to me that they also find it difficult to understand, and they're from somewhere around london. Northern accent seems hard even for other English people. but still, I need to get used to the accent because it's probrematic not to understand what students or professors say in lectures, seminars and tutorials. I have a proffesor from the US and she never stops talking during her two hours lecture. Much info comes out of her mouth and I'm desparate to catch it but since she speaks an american english with a bit of British accent, I don't have a difficulty to understand what she says. When I found myself felt like that, I thought this is not good, I gotta find a good way to improve my listening of nothern accent. I'm in England, not in America. It couldn't be helped since I've learnt English with american or canadian accent in my parent uni in Japan. Anyway need to do something with it. Reading is also a hard thing that we face in uni, and especially a student like me because you won't have any problem if you don't do your reading in Japanese uni. I found how easy my uni life is back in japan and also how hard my uni life is in here. A huge difference. It'd be like a joke if a proffesor in my japanese uni asked us to read one whole book to prepare for a next lecture. 90% of the class wouldn't do it for sure. I don't have enough time to read each word so I'm gonna learn how to get key points and important info in a book without reading all of it as my tutor suggested. Is it what people call 'academic reading'? I don't know.
This weekend, I'm not going out like in the city centre but uni. For saturday, I've got Brighton Beach which is an event of Indie, Brit pop and..something. For sunday, I've got a stand up comedy show. forgot the name of it but as I remember, Alex Zane is coming and making us laugh. haha Finally, today, I got two package from Amazon and I'm happy now because now I have a book that's penned by Carl Barat and his first self-titled solo album in my room. I'm gonna listen to the CD tomorrow with a friend of mine who also loves indie UK rock and of course Carl Barat. I'm a bit excited! I still believe that he's the guy who can make great music that make me happy anytime and don't wanna change the idea yet.
When I listened to the 1st album of Dirty Pretty Things, I fascinated by it and thought that he doesn't need to be in The Libertines. I didn't mean like I don't care about the breakup of the band and the band doesn't need him, of course we need him in the reunion. What I meant to say is like he's not a guy who can make music and get attention from the public only when he's in the band with Pete. Ah, am I making sense? I don't know. Anyway, can't wait to listen to it. Well I've heard two songs out of the album on the radio the other day and I like Run With The Boys. My very first reaction for it was "Ah this is so Carl!" of course in a good way.

I wrote a lot about Carl but what's been catching my attention is electro rock, plus, it's very typical one. Daft Punk, Justice and The Bloody Beetroots. Well-known electro rock. i've been looking for indie electro rock bands.

Any recommendation??


Free stuff.

When I arrived to my room in my dorm, there was this box from the uni. Since it says student AID or something, I thought that there were some good to use in a case you get hurt or slight injuries. Yesterday, my friend told me that there're some candies in the box and I finally opened it after 6 days I first saw it. haha
These are what I got.

I was like "woa! there're some stuff I just bought the other day!" like toothpaste. haha They give us two chocolate bars, one bag of HARIBO, a bag of snack, energy cola, very lazy garlic paste, a small bin of Tabasco, a pen, a box of condoms, instant coffee powder and a card case for free. Thank you! Actually condoms and Haribo are not same as what my friend got. haha A box of condoms I got look more like what boys tend to carry since one that my friend has has a cute designe on its box..and Haribo looks more tasty than my friend's. :P well, whatever. haha Speaking of free, there's a welcome event at every accommodation tonight with free food and drink. It'll be a good chance to know my neigbours and also to make new friends. I'll def go since I've been a bit bored and tired of my days here. Isn't there any exciting stuff? Maybe I should look around the city. I'd like to go to a museum, art exibitions and cinema! I haven't found a cinema in Leeds yet. Where are you? Oh, I gotta go ask about my temporally enrolled class. I can't drop a class because of it.

I just read 'How To Save Rock 'N' Roll' by Nicky Wire in NME and it really made me want to write about it again esp about The Libertines! because he mentioned that The Libertines were a lifestyle and a mythology. What a great words he chose to describe the band.


Music Lover

I love music and am a huge fun of Indie Rock and other kinds of Rock music as well. I've been to clubs and music bars to listen to music I like and have fun in Japan. Then I found that I'm not really into those kind of places. Even though there're supposed to be like places for enjoying music, they aren't. Simply it's because they're places for drinking. In those places, I feel that music just turn into a tool to have fun and make the place sound enjoyable. I've felt pity when I was in a rock bar before because all music I like only sounded like accessories in that place. Since I'm a music nard, I'd rather talking about music with someone with the same taste as me. Talk about how brilliant songs the band makes, how I feel when I listen to it and what kind of emotion it brings to me. I know that music basically is considered as part of entertainment by most of people but for me, it's not. It's part of my life, emotion, expression and myself. There definitely is music that shouldn't just be entertainment or sellout. As music is categorized to Art in university, it's a way to express yourself and how you feel about things around you, isn't it? Music is what bring you up and also brings you down depends on the way you use it. It has such a power. It has something more than entertainment for sure and I just don't feel good about going clubs and rock bars. It's ok to go there to have fun with friends but it's not really a proper place for enjoying music. I've learnt many things from Music since my dad had me listen to The Beatles when I was a baby. I learned what love people think is, what family is, how sad to lose important things, how many sad things are going around in the world and how important peace is as well. Sometimes they don't teach what exactly it is, but they at leat give me a key or clue to think about those topics. Of course there're many people who take Music as a fun thing and it's not a problem at all if they really think so, but I can't take it like that because I know if there was no music in this world, I'd be nothing. Just think how music influences you. It's a big existence in my life.
and I'm gonna read How To Save Rock 'N' Roll by Nicky Wire in NME. People have kept saying that there's no Rock hero now. In a bonus DVD of Almost Famous, Lester Bangs said exactly the same thing that there's no Rock Hero at that time, but it's 70's! still the golden age of Rock! Maybe I can say so because I'm in 2010 and have never experienced 60's. haha When he said that, I thought he'd might change his idea if he encountered Nirvana. They're like the last Rock Hero I know. The Libertines can join the circle though. Rock will change and I don't think we can stop it but it'll never disappear as long as there're huge fans like me.


Not in Japan but the UK.

First post from the UK! I arrived to Leeds 14th Sep at night. It was like 11pm when I arrived to my dorm and there was nobody. I couldn't get in my room and decided to stay one night at my friend's room. It was lucky that I was with a friend of mine at that time! I thank her a lot. :) We couldn't find the main road to go to a friend's room in another accommodation and luckily, there were local people walikng down the street where we were and we asked them for the place. and again luckily, they graduated The University of Leeds where we belong to now and know the place of the accomm! We were very lucky. Thanks to them, we safely arrived to a friend's room and stayed one night inside. When Taxi that we caught from the station left us around my dorm, it was like a nightmare. but think it back now, it's a funny story though. I should be glad about my luck anyway. It's been 4 days since I came here and started living in dorm. It's not that bad so far. The uni is so huge that I can easily get lost, and in city centre, there're so many places I'd love to go! I actually didn't expect that the city has such a lot of fun places and shops. There's even MUJI which makes me sigh because of its sweet pleasure of reminding me of my home country. I haven't looked around the city very much yet. I'll do so before lectures start and become busy. I kinda like to walk to School from my place. It's a bit far and tiring for me since it takes 20 mins and there're some slopes, but there's a big and beautiful park on the way and it has a park for BMX and skateboard. That's more like it! haha and also you can see many poster columns which is like..ad towers and they make me wear a slight smile on my face because one of the famous palces for gigs in Leeds, Cockpit, puts their schedules on the towers and there's his name "Carl Barat". haha I always go like "I'm seeing him!!" so my playlist for heading school is The Libertines or Dirty Pretty Things. haha I thought Leeds could be like a country side but I was wrong! Now I can tell people that you should visit Leeds when you come to the UK for sightseeing. It's a lovely place esp City Centre. Around the uni, of course there're tons of students so I don't really recommend to come though. haha To be honest, I got bored and tired of my day going to School and coming back to my room. I should walk around the Uni and City Centre more and find something interesting. The uni keeps saying to us, international student, not to go out alone. It's a difficult request, isn't it? What about when I want to go shopping alone? but nothing can replace your life and that's not worth your safety...I know I know! Mmm, I get bored quite easily. Therefore, I decided to have part of Language exchange scheme. hope I can meet someone intersting and a music lover!



Big news for me! The Libertines reunited! No, it’s a bit old news since they’ve already had the first show in London the other day after their reunion. The big news for me is that part of The Libertines, the sexy Oscar Wild look-alike singer, is coming to Leeds! I mean Carl Barat. haha I’ve seen people saying that Carl looks like Oscar Wild online. Even though The Libertines got together again, he’s coming and playing in Leeds alone…Who cares! I love The Libertiens, I like Pete Doherty but I’m all excited about Carl's solo gig. The Libertines are like one of the legendary British bands for me since they already split up when I got into indie music. I didn’t expect to see him live soon like this! The place is a famous venue in Leeds, Cockpit. It’s not far away from my university. Now I have 5 gigs to go in October! sounds like a rich person, but you have no idea how much you need to pay for one gig in Japan! You gotta pay 5500yen for Hadouken here, which is like £42.20. The average price of one gig in England is £10.oo-12.oo. There’s no time to think if you should go or not. It’s crazy to go 5 gigs in a month in Japan for sure. Maybe in England as well? I hope not since a friend of mine who loves and studies music (more like Rock) in Leeds is going to 11 gigs in October. She’s real. haha I’ll definitely write how Carl Barat’s show is.


This is a video I found on ClashMusic.com
Carl played some songs from The Libertines in Levi's Craft of Music. His acoustic version of 'Don't Look Back Into the Sun' is really charming! I like how the crowd enjoys this song.

It seems like I have no mind to study in university but go to gigs. However for me, and maybe for my friend I named above, going to gigs is not just an entertainment…believe it or not. haha I’m also excited about taking classes in Leeds. I had a choice for classes and I luckily enrolled to all classes that I chose. There’s a class I’m not perfectly allowed to enroll though. It’s a Journalism class. I think they'll check my English ability to know if I’m enough for the class face to face. Nervous. haha A feeling I have for the classes is more like a fusion of an excitement and a worry though.♥


A girl who has a longing for Paris.

Somehow, people have a special feeling and image of France especially Paris. It's like a dream city for most of people. I saw a film 'An Education' the other day, and that was different from what I imagined since I didn't even know the original title but a Japanese title. It's about a high school girl who is charmed by an older man of intellect. Of course there is an unexpected twist in the end. For me, her French is really remakable! as a student who takes a French class, I'm jealous of her beautiful pronunciation. The movie has this scene that the girl sings along a French song happily lying on the floor in her room. It's after she meets the guy, so she must have a romantic images on her mind at that time. haha The song she sings is 'Sous le ciel de Paris' by Juliette Greco. I was fascinated by a unique air a chason gives me, then I found an omnibus album of chanson which belongs to my mom. I'm glad that my mom and grandma likes chanson! Luckily the album has the song 'Sous le ciel de Paris' by Juliette Greco and now I and my mom often listen to it. I found there're many chansons that are really beautiful and also enable to make me happy. Now I'm borrowing my grandma's vinyls of chanson. I wanna sing along Sous le ciel de Paris just like the girl in the film. I can't wait to visit France this winter!!

what dissapointed me by this film is a difference between the girl's and guy's appearance on an image for cover and their appearance in a film. The girl is cute both on the image and in the film, but the guy! kinda disappointing. To be honest, I thought he was more handsome when I first saw the image of the film. I don't understand why they edit photos and create people that don't exist. :/ Anyway, watch this film if you're interested. It's worth to see, and you'll probably understand why she is into Paris, by watching how boring England was at the times.


Caramel flavoured tea with a chocolate flavoured cigarette.

Oh, a small bug just got into a jungle of keyboard..which is mine. pray for it to come out of there alive. haha I was going to theatre to see Zombieland today but I ended up not going because it only has a late time schedule. the first showing is from 18:20..i gotta make a day plan for it sometime soon!

red nail polish is my fad now.♥

Corinne Bailey Rae has come back after her 6 years' silence! When I was watching a music show on the TV the other day, I found that she's from Leeds in England (where I'm going!)and she recorded in Leeds. My image of her was a cute girl with a relaxing and natural air because of the strong impression of 'Put Your Records On'. It was a big shock to hear that her husband died, but her new songs from 2nd album gave me a romantic feeling in my heart.<3 I watched a music video for 'Closer' and it reminded me of like a bittersweet grown-up's love. haha She is so beautiful.


7 year journal

I've been packing for England, and it doesn't seem going well. I'm really not good at those kinda things! even cleaning up my room and putting things I used back to the proper place. So now, my room is a total mess. When I was packing today, I found a book that I haven't finished yet. "windblown World" which is a journal of Jack Kerouac through 1947-1954. Years ago, I was into Beat Generation and read a couple of books on Allen Ginsberg. I forgot who it was but someone told me about "On the Road" which was penned by Jack Kerouac and I read it in Japanese. Althoug it was a bit difficult, I liked it and got interested in Jack Kerouac. I was happy when Bob Fossile said his name(Jack Kerouac) to a coworker of Zoonivers in The Mighty Boosh season 1. haha I think it takes time to finish the book for me.



I've got a couple of vinyls that I somehow usually don't listen to. Very first time I bought them and listened to them, I actually thought they didn't fit my taste. but months later, I always become a fan of them. I don't know what kind of system it is, but seems like I need time to get to like bands. It's kinda funny though because one of my favourite bands of all time, The Horros, they used to be a band that I didn't really like since my taste was more like power pop and emo kinda thing and I thought that their music was too rough and strong for me. and years later when I listened to them again in a CD store, I suddenly became a huge fan of them. It was like BANG!. haha They shook me up. That kinda thing happens a lot to me. That's how I encounter with music I like. Anyway this time, that thing happened to Lovvers which is a British indie band.

They reminded me of Black Lips, and just because I thought sound like Black Lips, I bought Lovvers' vinyl which has cute cover art on both sides.(that is what i can't miss when I buy vinyls!) They're addictive for me. It's like a bit of happiness that exacts in my life. I mean, like a feeling I always get when I listen to Girls. I'm not comparing them but both bands, their music and even their music videos make me have an idea that there're many things that I can be happy about in my life and make me think my life is not bad. They're not that big stuff so that you might miss them, but definitely exist by you..that kinda thing! haha maybe I'm just a too romantic person. :3 Lovvers is my favourite and I'd like every indie music lover to listen to them.♪

hm, I wanna make a video like this. There actually was a plan to make a short film with a friend of mine before both of us leave Japan, but we didn't make it and I guess we both thought we wouldn't. haha


Guess what you'll see

watch this! i think you'll have an idea what happens in the end when you see the first scene, but still this is amazing! The whole image that you can see at the end really surprised me. wonder how rich his imagination is. and I kinda like this song. I found this when I was checking Washed Out.

テキトーにペンを動かしてるだけに見えるのに 仕上がりは完ぺき。


Egyptian Hip Hop

I'm gonna see them this November! i feel their slight energy from this video and i like it. Many indie bands play music with lazy attitude, don't they? What is that? Did it start from Shoegaze scene? I actually love the attitude. haha


A circle of light around the moon


最近もっぱら聞いてるMystery Jetsだけど、10月にリーズで見る予定!Mystery Jetsをついに生で聞けるのは嬉しい!どんなライヴなんだろうなー。小さいとこだといいけど。Blainを見られるのも嬉しい。そろそろチケット取らなきゃな。他には特に考えてないけど、色んなバンド見に行けたらいいな。

Now there's less than one month to go til I leave Japan and go to England. I'm all excited about it but a bit worrying about it at the same time. I can barely imagine the life I'd have in the uni. Hope it'll be an amzing one! and I'm planning to go see The Midnight Beast and Mystery Jets in Leeds in this October. I've never seen them live yet, and of course I'm excited! I finally can see Blain live and listen to him singing live! His voice actually has a power to heal me. haha I'm gonna keep blogging here in England. What will be difference from now is pictures. I'll be put pictures of my life in England as memories. :)


A month of film

Okay now, I'm having a plan to go see 4 films in this month. which makes me have a big smile on my face. It's been months since I went to the theatre. Hm, maybe it's like a half year ago. No way! for someone who loves films like me. Watching DVDs at home is relaxing but not enough because I can't feel a special happiness that I usually get by watching a movie at the theatre and using my time, 5 senses and everything only for one movie. haha

So, here's what I go to the theatre for this month.
  • Stones In Exile
  • Zombieland
  • Toilet
  • Sult (maybe)

um, that is like a not so good not so bad list. Stones In Exile is a The Rolling Stones movie which is more like a..documentary. I've got a feeling that the film is not really an 1500yen-worthy one though. I'm still debating! and Zombieland is definitelly. It's something I can't miss since I've been wanting to watch it at the theatre for months! I like a zombie movies with a touch of comedy. :) and Toilet! I'm having a feeling that it's gonna be one of the most interesting Japanese movie and also worthwhile. I like the director. Finally, sult. My dad wants to watch it and I'm looking forward to seeing the beautiful lady! So is my dad I guess. haha

↓Toilet trailer↓

ばーちゃん(ba-chan) means grandma btw. :)


Life and dream

I've been thinking of my future these days and my head is spinning now. haha I just have no idea what to do. I have a dream and it doesn't know how to change since middle school. I've been having the almost same drem as 5 or 6 years ago. Now, I'm kinda afraid of being a part of the society. It sounds like what losers say. haha I don't know what should I do for my dream. I of course want to do everything I can do to make it come true, but I just have no idea for now. I've been thinking about it. What is the purpose of my life? It's a big question! haha I just wanna have fun? Hmm, not exactly. I just want to live with what I like such as music, films, photograph and...anyway art! I'm really struggling for my dream now. I need a clue or useful advice to make my dream more realistic.

I feel so positive to change my schedule and to avoid doing the same things again and again that puts me in an empty mood. wanna go to the theatre and watch a lovely film about a daydreaming girl's life..sounds like I'm talking about Amelie. haha



A tattoo artist I know keeps blogging every single day, and I think I should follow him. haha I'm kinda lazy person who gets bored quite easily. I sometimes should be enthusiastic toward something new...or my life would be boring!! Ahh that sounds scary, I don't want to.
There's a place now I often wanna go since there's something I'd like to know more. Ah it is also important that there're many cocktails I like ! like girly drinks. Is rum coke a girly drink? I don't know which drinks are sorted to that, anyway, I just wanna go to the place asap! It's a fan and lovely place.<3
I'm intersted in Day of the Dead now, and I found these Nike Dunk shoes.

kinda cute, aren't they?


if I could find the best word to describe this feeling

I'd be very happy then. Only if I could find the one. I liked it when I listened to "I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor" by Arctic Monkeys in the bathroom today.

but I'm in a mood for VCR by The XX tonight to sink into a deep thought.


stop waiting, because it's my turn to be waiting for you.

New tune from a new album of Mystery Jets "Serotonin"! Usually people say a band that succeed in their debut album tend to fail in 2nd album since listeners expect them to make one which is as good as 1st album or to make a better one. It must be a big pressure for a band. and a band in the situation is apt to take a different direction like by changing their taste or appearance. I think Mystery Jets going the reverse in a good way! Every time I lend my CD of them to my friends, they tell me that they prefere 2nd one which is "Twenty One" compared to 1st album "Making Dens". I actually agree with them. I like Making Dens but Twenty One is the album that Mystery Jets proposed what their style of music is. Therefore, the taste they created with 2nd album hasn't broken in 3rd album. When I listened to new singles "Dreaming of Another World" and "Serotonin", I thought like here comes the Mystery Jets! haha and I was really happy because Mystery Jets is the one that heals me when I thirst for a comfortable time and a rest. and I'm going to their gig in Leeds this October. since I've never seen them live before, I can't even imagine what kind of time and space they offer! x) I'm going to write about my first live Mystery Jets and what they play on this blog.<3


We Are the Physics

One band was added to my music list! kinda weird punk is good for me. :)

like the singer's facial expression!:)


Girly girl

I sometimes get into a girly mood. Imagine really romantic things, sing a long girly song like You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift, rent some romantic movies and talk about love life and dream guy with girls friends at a cafe for a couple of hours. It's nice to enjoy being a girl you know!

...but after all, I can't lie to my own taste. I always end up being attracted by things like these kind of things down here.

Iain Maccarthur

Hadouken's new tee

mmm, cute stuff.haha



Ahhh I'm having like a slight concern about my life in England! Oh, I just had a new flavored Hagen-Dazs! Cream Cheese Raspberry! mmm tasty. :) Anyway, I'm kinda worried if I can enjoy school life in Leeds even though my friends told me that I'll be fine and I can make many friends over there. It still makes me sigh a bit. Well, you can't help it though! Starting something new always makes you excited but also nervous. seems like I need one of my good friends to listen to me. haha I'm really missing my friends and many good memories with them that nothing can replace. But we all should keep moving forward for our dreams. I'm really not good at goodbyes even though there will be much more goodbyes in my life from now since I'm going to England and leaving there within one year. :( Haha I've been in a sentimental state. Hope my life will get much more fun asap without trying to forget about the good memories with my good friends but having them as one of the best unforgetable memories in my life. :) When do we meet again? I'm really looking forward to seeing how we change over years. These last four months, I really made good memories..some bitter things happened as well but those are turning to part of the good memories as well. haha I don't wanna look back, but I can't help it cause there are too many things that remind me of those memories like in school, my city, my neigbours and even my room without them. Wish I could send my love to them..I just wanna tell them how much I love them.♥♥

Let's see how my friends' and my lives turn into interesting ones!


Last Night

Last night was really a last night to hang out with my good friends since two of us (we went out with four) are leaving Japan soon. That was fun but also sad! I almost started to cry right after I said bye bye to them. :( We went to eat middle east food like Turkish, Indian and Persian and one of my friend and I tried Shisha for the first time! I kinda liked it and will probably try it again. We headed to Rock Rock after that and on our way there, there was a cafe holding a gig. It was kinda too loud for that time cause the cafe opened all doors and windows..and also we were about to miss the last train to go home but who cares! it was a Friday night! I only said "Let it go". haha The band played rockabilly music and they all look good in old school rockabilly style. :) Then finally Rock Rock! It was actually my first time to go there but I had fun except last one and a half hour when I was really sleepy. haha They featured Third Eye Blind and there actually were all members of Third Eye Blind cause the band played in Osaka at Thurday night! Well, I don't know anything about Third Eye Blind, so it was impossible to realize they were them but I thought like they might be in a band when I came into Rock Rock because of their cool appearance. hehe As we lost our last train, we had to stay there til the bar is closed which means 5am. I'd never stayed up all night in that kinda place, but it was a good experience since I could meet many people whatever their nationalities are. AND most important is that I could have fun with my friends. Awww but I'm still sad! I know parting is inevitable but I didn't know that it's tough like this. I don't like saying the typical phrase "Let's keep in touch" because it sounds like we have to make an effort if we really wanna see each other again..I believe that I can see my friends I met here in Japan but live other countires again without trying hard for it. Of course it doesn't mean that I don't wanna try hard for meeting my friends again. haha I just wanna say "See you soon" instead of let's keep in touch. If you really want to meet your good good friends again from a heart, it'll happen naturaly. So, for now, I wanna look ahead for my dream and wish my friends luck for their dreams. I don't like looking back but I had so many good memories with them that I will never forget! I'm just glad to have made friends with them, and I hope to have amazing encounters in England just like ones I had in Japan.

No more crying please! x(


Because it's not you after all.

It's sad to realize that you are not the one I need. The fact that I think I'll be able to addapt my life smoothly without you soon is sad as well. But I at least need something new and exciting to avoid spending much time on thinking of you and what you gave me. I should use my time on myself. Hmm..I wanna go somewhere like a book store where you can stay for hours and leave without buying any books, and go walk after that listening to favourite songs as creating a fantasic story in my head. Not carrying a camera is important. It sometimes disturbs my imagination..if I focus on taking good pictures. Ahhh I need to go somewhere new! and meet new people. Haha, I actually have no idea what I'm saying and what I want. I just feel that my days have been getting bored these days. That's why I've kept saying I need something new. Let's go look around.

because it seems like I'm not that important to you.



in your life, but not in my life.


Goodbyes and Hellos.

I finished all of my finals!! I'm not like super happy since I got a final score for one of classes and it is not better than I thought. :( but anyway, I'm done with the classes except French, Italian and international communication class which finishes in July. Plus, my friends from abroad are leaving Japan VERY soon and it's making me really sad but also making me wanna go forward. Now I wanna go to Leeds to start new school life, and I guess why I want it to happen soon is because I don't want myself to keep being in a sad mood becasue of many goodbyes with my friends. I'm gonna miss them, and might stop keeping in touch slowly with them even though both of us don't want it. There're many goodbyes but hellos at the same time in life. I feel like I reached one of stages in my life! which is..good. haha It's always sad to say goodbye to somebody you like and you want to spend much more time with, but it shouldn't be a bad thing. Even 'the sorrow of parting' influences you in a good way and you might learn something from it and most important is to think what they gave you and how they changed you! Aw, I'm still sad about being apart with my good friends. Hope they'll come back here sometime soon!!

I know you all are gonna miss Japan, my friends!! :P


Ma première poste en française

Je vais ècrire ce blog en français aujourd'hui! quoique mon français est ne pas bien. haha Oh, j'ètais absent dans une classe italienne...encore!! parce que j'ai attrapè froid. :( Ce n'est pas ce mauvais peut-être.

Ahh...j'ai un grand sentiment que je deteste vraiment maintenant. Il est comme individu-dètestè! Je parfois n'aime pas la manière que je pense...c'est parce que je suis enrhumè? Je sais pas!
Il rend moi triste pour voir mon amies qui se laissent facilment influencer per les autres dans le mauvais sens. C'est triste vraiment pour voir..et je le dètestè.

Au fait, j'ai obtenu un appareil-photo de mon grand-pere et maintenant, je ne peux pas attendre pour faire photo avec ça! Je vais acheter une pellicule demain avant un rendez-vous avec mon amie. Avec espoir, je voudrais te montrer mes photos si ils semblent bien.



Dear My Dear

To be honest, I don't need you at all.

I know nothing lasts forever. We might tell each other the phrase that I don't like because of its fragility, and we might end up having distance and own life without each other naturally. I've been imagining my life without you, and it doesn't seem really tough to go through. That sounds sad and pity but remember this is true that you are an important bit of my life and I will miss you all the time. You gave me a lot and influenced me.

merci beaucoup mon cher



I bought a vinyl of She&Him last week..finally! I'd been thinking of having it as one of my sweet collection, and I finally did it. Feels good ne. haha I didn't really expect that I would be into their music since their taste is a bit like..country or falk. It seem I was wrong though. I listen to it every single day and it's like my new habit to put the vinyl on my record player after I got up in the morning. It really is good for shineful morning! It makes you wanna swing and sing along with a cap of coffee in your hand. haha Their original songs are really good and lovely but their cover songs are also good such as Smorky Robinson's 'You Really Got A Hold On Me' and The Beatles' 'I Should Have Known Better'.

At the same time I'm listening to such a sweet album with a little bitter taste, I want to have some songs of Alice Cooper since I watched Wayne's World today. haha I didn't know that he was a cool guy like that til I watched the movie! I'm gonna ask around my friends if they have his albums or at least Feed My Frankenstein. :P

Aww I can't believe that my local dvd rental shop doesn't have Rushmore and Donnie Darko!!




There're my favourite moments to find part of lyrics that sound somehow good. It always suddenly happens and whether those lyrics are sad, dark or cruel, that's not a point unless they stay in my mind. I found one today. 'Your heart is like a hand me down.' It's from one of Mystery Jets' songs called Hand Me Down. I don't know why but I think that part represents Mystery Jets! Their songs are like bitter chocolates ne. :)




falling asleep with comfortable noise

There is my new habit

of listening to music that someone special made.

I love to listen to it as I fall asleep. Although it might be categorized to noise music and too loud to listen to when you sleep, it's somehow comfortable to me.

Hm, I want to know more about noise music especially punkish and loud ones..

Ah I can't wait for it.

Make it happen, don't wait for it to happen.






Lead me to new music!

You are so artistic and makes me forget what boredom is.

and you don't know how you make me sad by doing what you are doing.

Music is good.


painful rain

They said I'm weird.
That sounded good for me.

People are evil but I love to love the people.

When my eyes can't keep holding tears anymore, my record player starts to like playing John Lennon. I don't know what it is, but I like listening to him singing "Love is the answer". Somehow I think he is right.

I need to grow up now and be honest and strong to tell the truth, but I'm afraid of all of them.

"Giving up is easy" someone said.
It is not easy at all for me.

There is no time for us.

Why can you say "I know that you and me last forever"?

Girls is on my record player and it's singing sweet but bitter lyrics.

How can I see him every day?

Male birds are singing well for female birds and it puts me in a sad mood.

Our time is running out stucks in my head.


Yes. Thank you.

I've been trying to keep away from facebook now. It's tough. haha The Blood Brothers really got me now. I bought Crimes and Young Machetes of The Blood Brothers and also Take Me To The Sea of Jaguar Love today. Johnny's voice is addictive. Want something to forget the feeling I've got! I don't want it to grow anymore. e.n.o.u.g.h.

My heart is really about to shatter. :(


love music lovers

I have some friends who loooove music and know way more bands than I do. I love talking with them and also love it when they tell me their favourite bands and let me listen to their music! Recently I've heard about some bands from my friends and I got interested in Jaguar Love! I actually listened to some cool other bands through their ipod or cool music player, but I forgot what their names are..I should ask them to list up their recommendatory bands for me ne. haha Johnny (singer from Jaguar Love) has a really unique voice and I used not to be a fun of his voice since I first listened to The Blood Brothers, but somehow, I'm totally into his voice now! His voice is really addictive and I can't go through a day without listening to his beautiful voice..what a big change. haha On monday, I found a vinyl of Jaguar Love 'Take Me to the Sea' at Time Bomb record in Shinsaibashi and it was really calling my name to take it home..but I gave up cause it costs about 2,300 yen and I didn't have much money at that time. :( I bought 'Nouns' by No Age for 1,980 yen though. haha I think I'll get the CD instead. Jaguar Love seems to sound better on CD than vinyl. I think so for no reason. :P

I'm listening to some songs out of Jaguar Love and The Blood Brothers on YouTube before I go to sleep! Johnny Whitney and Shaun White are my fads at this moment.<3


Make it positive

Brooding about something that hasn't even happened yet is a stupid thing, but I tend to do that. I'm just like a depressed teenage girl. haha Well, I just said bye to my teen last month though. It's been raining out there lately and cold like England or other european countries and it makes me down again...so that I might be able to write a gloomy but romantic novel. This is just my image though that such weather gives people much time to stay in their houses and also to imagine or create stories and new thoughts in their heads. That's why there are many well-known poetries and writers for melancholy writings in europe. Haha, this is also an imagination coming out of my head with gloomy feeling because of the weather though. I need the shineful sun! and make me smile pleaaaase. I need the sun anyway, then I can be more positive about anything that's happening around me now. :)



I've been into Dash Snow who was a photographer. He died at 27 last year. He took pics only with his polaroid and I really like it. I like taking pics with film cameras or instant cameras rather than digital ones and above all other film or instant cameras, I've got a special admiration to Polaroids. somehow. haha Fortunatelly, it's coming back this year and I can get one for myself! I don't know when Polaroid One are put on sale yet, but once it came out, I'm gonna get it anyway..and be a girl's version of Dash Snow. ahaha

His pics are not something like special or extremely amazing, and also I don't think he used a particular trick to take pics. He just took what he wanted. I don't know if he really was like that though. haha He seemed to be a loser and self-destructed just like a rock star. Addicted to alcohol, drugs and sex, then he left this world because of overdose. Heroin took his life. He somehow reminds me of Kurt Cobain. Maybe it's because he died at 27 leaving his wife and child here. I'm curious about him now.. :)





Everything has its limit. I wondered why I always chose something that has limit, but I found that everything has its time. In my case, the time comes earlier than...average. I don't know what the average is though. haha I'm just sad that some friends are leaving Japan in two and half months. I know I should enjoy this moment with them, but the fact makes me sigh. How amazing it would be if this moment last forever. :( It's not only about them but also me, cause I'm going to England from this summer for about one year if everything goes well. There's no time to hesitate or change my mind now. I just gotta keep going for my dream, and I'm gonna see new faces and make new friends at every moments in my life. Nobody is good at the last or saying "Bye". The sound of the phrase "Let's keep in touch" is so fragile. Ah, life really is a span. I strongly agree with it.

Is there any boy that never leaves me? haha



I'm finally going see (500)days of summer today before a class! I know I've blogged about this before like twice or three times, but I'm so happy about this! Tomorrow would be a rainy day, but with a power that the film gives me, I believe I could go to school with a happy feeling even though the class ends late like 18:10. :) Awww, I cannot wait for it! I've seen many kinds of trailers for the film since last fall so I can guess what kinda story it is...but still! haha When one of my friends asked me what I want for my b-day present, I said it's a soundtrack of (500)days of summer. I don't think the request will change even after the film! cause I'm already into some of the songs on the soundtrack like There is a Light That Never Goes Out by The Smiths, Vagabond by Wolfmother and I don't know what the tittle is or who play it, the song that includes a phrase like 'Boys don't cry'. haha I'm already in a romantic mood!<3

I've been carrying one of my film cameras with me lately. It's a toycamera that you can take pics with unrealistically vivid colour. I really like it. I gotta go develop some films soon. I think I'll go today before heading to the theatre.

Take me out tonight where there's music and there's people, and they are young and alive
driving in your car...♪



I'm kinda ready for my first tattoo now. I'm plaInning to go to a tat studio in Osaka soon...Aww! I'm a bit nervous! haha I actually talked about the idea to my mom, and of course she told me that she doesn't want to make me to do it. I knew she'd say so, but I told her that I've been thinking of it for 2 years and I think this is a good time to get one for my sister. It's not like I just want to have it because it looks cool or something. It's been 2 years since my sister has passed away, and I'm 20 now. Also I'm going to study abroad months later, and it's like I'm seriously starting out to make my dream come true. I want her to support me, and want to feel it all the time. Anyway, I'm dedicating it to my sister and her memory. My mom said like "It's tough. I can't yell at you to stop it because the reason is that." Am I a bad daughter? I know you have to live with it and you can't erase it easily, and also I know there're still many people who have bad images to tattoos esp in Japan. I still wanna get it. It's not for showing to people but for me, and of course my sister. I'm not sure if she'd like it, but I hope she would. I think I spent enough time to think about it seriously. This is a big event to me. haha

Hope everything will go well! :)