リーディングの量もこれまたハンパなくて。時々諦めそうになるけど、何が主に議題にされていてどの情報が大事なのか分かるように要所だけ読まないと時間がもったいない、なんてチューターに言われたから、今どうやって一語一句チビチビ読むことなく理解するかを学び中。アカデミックリーディングって言うんだっけ?うん。そんなの。今週末は大学でのイベントづくし。Brighton Beachで好きな音楽聞いて、Stand up comedy見てくる。Alex Zaneが来るはずだから楽しみ~
今日Carl Baratのソロアルバムと、自伝が届いて幸せ。CDは明日聞く!本は文章が簡単だから、忙しくないときに読もう。
It's been 4 weeks since I came to Leeds in England. All lectures have started last week and I'm starting my week3 at the uni from next monday. My classes are all electives so they shouldn't be too hard since students who belong to other departments are also in the classes, but some classes I take are still hard...for me. AND the problem is the accent! Northern accent is really tough to catch. Every day, I meet someone with too strong accent to follow and when they go like "Ah this girl can't speak.." with frowns, it really takes my confidence and motivation from me! I thought that it was like all my faul (my english) but I met some girls saying to me that they also find it difficult to understand, and they're from somewhere around london. Northern accent seems hard even for other English people. but still, I need to get used to the accent because it's probrematic not to understand what students or professors say in lectures, seminars and tutorials. I have a proffesor from the US and she never stops talking during her two hours lecture. Much info comes out of her mouth and I'm desparate to catch it but since she speaks an american english with a bit of British accent, I don't have a difficulty to understand what she says. When I found myself felt like that, I thought this is not good, I gotta find a good way to improve my listening of nothern accent. I'm in England, not in America. It couldn't be helped since I've learnt English with american or canadian accent in my parent uni in Japan. Anyway need to do something with it. Reading is also a hard thing that we face in uni, and especially a student like me because you won't have any problem if you don't do your reading in Japanese uni. I found how easy my uni life is back in japan and also how hard my uni life is in here. A huge difference. It'd be like a joke if a proffesor in my japanese uni asked us to read one whole book to prepare for a next lecture. 90% of the class wouldn't do it for sure. I don't have enough time to read each word so I'm gonna learn how to get key points and important info in a book without reading all of it as my tutor suggested. Is it what people call 'academic reading'? I don't know.
This weekend, I'm not going out like in the city centre but uni. For saturday, I've got Brighton Beach which is an event of Indie, Brit pop and..something. For sunday, I've got a stand up comedy show. forgot the name of it but as I remember, Alex Zane is coming and making us laugh. haha Finally, today, I got two package from Amazon and I'm happy now because now I have a book that's penned by Carl Barat and his first self-titled solo album in my room. I'm gonna listen to the CD tomorrow with a friend of mine who also loves indie UK rock and of course Carl Barat. I'm a bit excited! I still believe that he's the guy who can make great music that make me happy anytime and don't wanna change the idea yet.
When I listened to the 1st album of Dirty Pretty Things, I fascinated by it and thought that he doesn't need to be in The Libertines. I didn't mean like I don't care about the breakup of the band and the band doesn't need him, of course we need him in the reunion. What I meant to say is like he's not a guy who can make music and get attention from the public only when he's in the band with Pete. Ah, am I making sense? I don't know. Anyway, can't wait to listen to it. Well I've heard two songs out of the album on the radio the other day and I like Run With The Boys. My very first reaction for it was "Ah this is so Carl!" of course in a good way.
I wrote a lot about Carl but what's been catching my attention is electro rock, plus, it's very typical one. Daft Punk, Justice and The Bloody Beetroots. Well-known electro rock. i've been looking for indie electro rock bands.
Any recommendation??
Hi ya, is it true that the book's really written by carl????? Gotta buy it if it is!
ReplyDeleteYup, it is written by Carl. He said that he wrote it over a three-month period on his own, and sometimes with help of his friends. :)
ReplyDeleteSakiさん、こんにちは:)FacebookのLittle Barrieの写真投稿を見て、こちらのブログを見つけました。私もUK RockやCarl Baratが大好きです!Threepenny Memoirを購入されている日本人の方を見つけて嬉しくなったので、思わずコメントさせていただきました。私もこの本とアルバムを持っていて、11月にカールが来日した際にサインを頂きました。私も音楽についてのブログを書いているので、よかったら覗いてみてください。英国留学や音楽の話、とても興味深いので、また読ませていただきますね^^
ReplyDeleteKariさん>コメントありがとうございます。Little Barrieは日本人のファンが多いようで驚きました!Carlの自伝Threepenny Memoirは実は時間が無くてまだ読めてないのに、サインだけもらいました。笑 Carlは最近よく来日してるので嬉しいです。できればthe Libertinesでもっと活動してほしい限りです。Kariさんのブログ拝見させてもらいましたが、Mystery Jetsも好きなんですね!少し前に見に行ってWilliamとBlaineと話したのですが、未だにライブの感想を書けていませんx( 更新を増やす予定なので、ブログ共々ヨロシクお願いします☆