
Rent Boys on Bandcamp / Bandcampってなに?

イギリスはLeeds出身のサイケな要素が魅力的なガレージパンクバンドRent Boys


Taste of xxxのバンド紹介の記事にもリンクやガジェットが貼ってある事もありますが
しかもダウンロードも可能。Rent Boysのように、リリースされていない楽曲がアップされていることもあるので

超オススメ+要注目バンドのRent BoysもBandcampを始めました

アップされている3曲のうちの1曲Jesus Told Me

1stと2ndシングルに収録されている曲はRipped Up以外聞けないので
気になるかたはPanda Panda Recordsさんにてレコードが入手可能です。

1stのGang Loveはコチラ

2ndのLive That Wayはコチラ

彼らの2ndシングルが手に入るのは現在日本ではPanda Panda Recordsのみとなっています。

現在とても活動的なRent Boysのこれからの活躍に注目です。

Rent Boysの詳細が気になる方は、以前アップしたこの記事をチェック!


Russell and the Wolves / Girl Sweat

The first split post on this blog just like a split vinyl!..you know, with more than one band on a record. Get your ear ready for this combined post with two bands to introduce as it’ll give you something twice as stronger as usual.
今回はこのブログ初の試み、混合記事!1つの記事に2つのバンド。Taste of xxxでは今までに見ないスタイルですが、そこには1つの理由が。。

So, let me ask you the usual question.
Do you know a band called Russell and the Wolves?

みなさんは、Russell and the Wolves(ラッセル・アンド・ザ・ウルフズ)というバンド、知っていますか?

Russell and the Wolves is 4-piece Middlesbrough-based band formed in 2008. Their story as a band is rich in content as they’ve supported first-rate bands from Garage family such as Jim Jones Revue, The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster and Kid Congo Powers and the Pink Monkey Birds. Russell and the Wolves is an official favourite band of Kid Congo as he actually mentions so in an interview video. However, the music of Russell and the Wolves is not only Garage, and it shouldn’t be pigeonholed like that. They have an original feature of wildness and primitiveness in their music which easily can be heard on their first self-released single, called All Eights.

中でも、The CrampsやNick Caveファミリーに欠かせない存在のKid Congoがボーカルを務めるバンドKid Congo Powers and the Pink Monkey BirdのメインサポートバンドとしてUKツアーに同行した事は、Russell and the Wolvesら自身にとっても大きな経験だったよう。
Kid Congo本人がインタビューで語ったように、Russell and the WolvesはKid Congo Powers and the Pink Monkey Birds公認のお気に入りバンドとして名前を挙げている。
ガレージバンドのサポートの機会が多いことからも分かるように、Russell and the Wolvesの音楽はガレージ色が強い。が、だからといって彼らの音楽をただのガレージにジャンル分けしてしまっては勿体ない。
Howlin’ Wolfの歌うI Put a Spell on Youを思わせる野性的な歌声に、Birthday PartyやThe Cramps、Jon Spencerの持つガレージサウンドがドッキングしたのがRussell and the Wolvesの音楽、といった感じ。
そんな彼らのワイルドで原始的な曲が聞けるのが、去年にバンド自身の持つレーベルDroolsville RecordsからリリースされたシングルAll Eights。

Side A: All Eights
      Side B: Call the Tribe

Here’s to listen to their single. You’ll find the charismatic impact of the singer through his strong voice. And it gets even stronger on stage.
↑のリンク先である彼らのBandcampページにて、All Eightsの全3曲が視聴可能。

I know, how brilliant they are. The music is simply irresistible and I, personally, still cannot stop dropping a stylus of my record player on the single. They just threw their “reincarnation gig” on the 14th October at Santiagos in Leeds. What do I mean by “reincarnation gig”? Unfortunately, Russell and the Wolves are now dead, but reincarnated as Girl Sweat.
たった3曲のシングルにも関わらず、全く飽きのこない仕上がりになっており、一度その魅力に嵌れば、何度も何度もレコードに針を落とす自分に遭遇するはず。そんなRussell and the Wolvesは、つい先日の10月14日に活動中心地であるLeedsにて最初で最後のライブを決行。
残念ながら、Russell and the Wolvesは2011年10月14日にその3年におけるバンド活動に終止札を打った。が、同年同日の2011年10月14日、そのRussell and the Wolvesの最後のライブが行われた同じ場所で、新たなバンドGirl Sweatが誕生。そのメンバーは、ドラムを除いてRussell and the Wolvesと全く一緒。
そう、最初で最後のライブとは、Russell and the Wolvesとして”最後”の、Girl Sweatとして”最初”のライブのこと。
まさに”Reincarnation Gig”。

So, here’s your next question. Do you know a band called Girl Sweat?

みなさんは、Girl Sweat(ガール・スウェット)というバンド、知っていますか?

Girl Sweat have officially been launched as a brand new band at the reincarnation gig of Russell and the Wolves on the 14th October in Leeds. Members of the band are almost the same as the former band, but the music takes a different look although the core affection of them toward Garage is still alive. There’re two songs available on their brand new bandcamp page so far. Whether you’re appealed by Russell and the Wolves or not, just go on and listen to the just born music.
Girl SweatはRussell and the Wolvesが終わりを迎えた同日10月14日のLeedsで産声を上げたばかりの真新しいバンド。
すでにGirl Sweatはbandcampを構えており、そこでは2曲が視聴・無料ダウンロード可能。
Russell and the Wolvesの時とは一味違った、Thee Oh Seesのようなノイズ音のかかったガレージサウンドを聞くことができます。

Whatever the change is, although the idea of reincarnation is cool, both Russell and the Wolves and Girl Sweat offer you addictive excitement, and if you live in UK and find a chance to see them live, make your way to the venue with no hesitation or thinking.
バンド名が変わり、音楽に新しい要素が加わった彼らは、すでに” 輪廻転生ライブ”を大盛況に終わらせただけでなく、これからのライブの予定もどんどん入ってきている。
Russell and the Wolves時代の経験から、実力派で知られる彼らがGirl Sweatとしてこれからどのような活動をしていくのか要注目!

Russell and the Wolves
Girl Sweat

Russell and the Wolves
Girl Sweat

Russell and the Wolves 



This time I’ll take a little different way from my usual posts. Well I’m not gonna introduce you any new sound but don’t get disappointed, as it’s still same as usual that you’ll find something interesting and new on here. NIGHT ACCIDENT came and happened int my life last month. It was my first NIGHT ACCIDENT, and it turned into as my new discover filled with cool people and creative stuff offered in a DIY way.
今回はいつものバンド・音楽紹介とは少し違う路線を行きまして、私の初NIGHT ACCIDENTのご紹介です。

What the hell is NIGHT ACCIDENT? I bet most of you reading this post right now has never heard of this event being held by a multi-brand shop called ACCIDENT. This time, the event took a place at NOON+CAFE where has an interesting combination of bar, club and café in Umeda, Osaka. The event is filled with creativity and brand-new talents, and you can discover pretty DIY-made clothes, accessories and stuff there. Not only independent clothing brands have their own booths at the event, but also DJ and VJ are on the list of the event to embellish the space.
NIGHT ACCIDENTは、大阪のセレクトショップACCIDENTが主催するイベント。9月27日に行われた今回のNIGHT ACCIDENTは、バーとカフェの素敵な融合が特徴的な梅田のNOON+CAFÉが会場に。当日はACCIDENTの取扱ブランドのブースにある服やアクセサリーだけでなく、DJやVJがその場をさらに魅力的に演出。NOON+CAFÉ内が隅から隅まで好奇心を掻き立てられる作りになっていました。

The lineup of this time NIGHT ACCIDENT (alphabetical order):
こちらが今回のNIGHT ACCIDENTのラインナップ(アルファベット順):

-Handled brands-
 visit their site from the link. It's simply fun!

・Yohey Yamamoto (noon/syrup)
・Johnny (dustbin/ACCIDENT)

・Tatsuya Fujimoto (endleapss)

Photo: Yohey Wakamoto

FAN's booth pt.1

FAN's booth pt.2

At FAN's booth.

The blue fluffy monster is my favourite one from FAN. VJ by Tatsuya Fujimoto (endleapss)

Very creative and unique iPhone cases by endleapss! (photo: Yohey Wakamoto)

DJ, Yohey Yamamoto (Noon/Syrup)

Anarchy shirt by dustbin.
 沢山写真を載せてしまいましたが、見ての通り、NIGHT ACCIDENTは興味をそそられる個性的で独創性溢れる服や演出で盛りだくさんのイベントでした。個人的なお気に入りはそこで流れる素敵な音楽、ついスクリーン前で立ち止まってしまうVJと、写真にもそのチャーミングな顔を出してるセレクトショップFANの青いモンスターでした。FANオリジナルのキャラクターのようで、とってもフワフワ。ちなみに、あのモンスター喋ります。それ以外にも、ACCIDENTの取り扱いブランドでもある、dustbinのデザイナーJohnnyさんの手書きfontのパッチを、その場でライブソーイングというワークショップも。好きなアイテムを持参すれば、その場でdustbinらしくアレンジ!dustbinの服は、UKの70's Punk sceneを彷彿とさせるスタイルが魅力的です。
As you can see and feel from the photos posted above, NIGHT ACCIDENT really was filled with creative and unique clothes and art forms. It was hardly avoidable to get appealed by those items at the space, and personly, the blue-coloured fluffy monster which you can find in one of the photos made it pretty succesful to catch my eye. The monster is an original character of the multi-brand shop FAN, and it actually talks. How charming it is. Another personal facourite at the event was one of the ACCIDENT's handled brands dustbin. Their products are probably remind you of the classic 70's UK punk style such as Bondage pants and Anarchy Shirts. Patches on their anarchy shirts are hand-made and the words on them are hand-written by the designer JOHNNY. At the event, NIGHT ACCIDENT, an interesting workshop of 'live sewing' by dustbin was held and if you brought any items you like, you could transform it into your own original dustbin-like item.

NIGHT ACCIDENT is held every month, and you maybe should prepare yourself, at every event, for something new that you've never seen or heard before to show up in a lineup of the event as a newcomer!
NIGHT ACCIDENTは月に1回行われるイベントです。今回のを逃した方も、なんとなーく興味を持った方も、とりあえず足を踏み入れれば何か面白いものが見つかる空間なので、一度お試しあれ!


Alright, this time I threw a post with a different topic and taste but next post will be 'the usual'. Very brand new band from England will be introduced!


Japanese Rent Boys, at your service.

このブログの主な取り扱いバンドでもあるRent Boysの最新ニュースをお届け!
I won’t be any lazy to keep you updated on favourite bands. Rent Boys, one of the main "partialities" of this blog, are reaching their filthy hands to Japan with their dangerously gorgeous music. What a pleasure!

Panda Panda RecordsさんがRent Boysの1stシングル’Gang Love’と2ndシングル’Live That Way’を入荷されました。
Panda Panda Records, my favourite record store that features new indie bands from UK and US, has just added both of their 1st and 2nd singles to their New Release. It is the very first record shop to have their 2nd singles ‘Live That Way’, which is my personal favourite single of them, in Japan.

彼らの2ndシングルを扱うレコードショップは現在日本でPanda Panda Recordsさんのみとなっています。690円とかなーりお手頃価格な上に、数もとっても限定されているので
Rent Boysに興味のある方は是非手にとってみてください。
For now, the lovely-named record store is the only one store that sells Rent Boys’ second single in Japan, and the price is pretty reasonable and reachable more than any other store that has their 1st singles. The number of the both singles at Panda Panda Records is very limited, so if you live in Japan or even around Japan and are thinking it may not be that bad to add Rent Boys’ gorgeous stuff to your music life, the record store is the place you virtually go!

この素敵なバナーがPanda Panda Recordsのサイトへのドアでございます。
Here’s the door to get to a website of the record store for you. Yes these fabulous men on the banner are the Rent Boys I’m into.

サイトの説明にもあるように、Iggy PopやCrampsにJon Spencer、そしてNew York Dollsといった音楽が好きな方は必ずといっていい程Rent Boysを気に入るはず。
Iggy Popの危険さ、CrampsやJon Spencerの妖しさにNew York Dollsの派手なパフォーマンス要素にプラスでオリジナルの変態さを付属させた音楽がRent Boys、とでも言いましょうか。



最近今まで以上に活動的になっているRent Boys、これからどんどんニュースが飛び込んでくる予定なので、この変態5人組の新たな動きに乞うご期待。


Huh? What's Taste of xxx?



Can I have your attention, please?

Found that I haven’t explained what my blog is about.
Taste of xxx is my music blog where I introduce bands I discover mainly in UK, and the title has no meaning. I write about music and try to describe what kind of music bands I found play both in English and Japanese but it’ll never be “critical” as writing reviews and comments is not my thing. I’d love to receive message/requests from bands (that makes me pretty happy and my motivation) as I wanna continuously add new music in my life. Music is the essence of my life. All I wanna say is that I spend much time of my life on discovering new/cool bands and just wanna share them with as many people as possible. No critical comments can be expected on this blog. I’m just a big massive crazy fan of music especially keen for garage punk, grunge, post-hardcore and stoner rock. I often describe my favourite music as ‘yummy’. How critical is that! haha

Thanks for your attention, you lovely music peeps!

Saki xx


Introducing: Rent Boys

Let me bring you a proper introducing of the (probably) most novel band with high self-confident in Leeds. Simply they are my favourite band that remains sitting on the top of my heavy rotation list.
今回は、前の記事でいつもより軽めに紹介したRent Boysをしっかりと紹介。
Rent Boysというバンドとしてのイメージをしっかりと持っている彼らの態度は”We are the best”。わざとらしい怪しいオーラと自意識過剰さを醸し出す彼らは、イギリスの北東部に位置する音楽街Leeds出身のサイコパンクな要素を持ったガレージバンド。

                     Clockwise from the top:
                      Bent Roy: Vocal
                     Flem Gob Spit: Guitar
                      Dan Destitute: Guitar
                       Godlove: Bass
                       Bones: Drums

The band was formed in 2009, and has released two singles in 7’ vinyl format so far. Their first single ‘Gang Love’ was launched through a Brighton-based record label Sex Is Disgusting where Mazes, Human Hair and Prize Pets have also released their vinyls. The single has three songs ‘Gang Love’, ‘*****’ and ‘Ripped Up’. If you have a difficulty to pronounce one of the songs ‘*****’, no worries I’ve got exactly the same issue. :)
Rent Boysは2009年に結成され、今まで2枚のシングルをレコードで出している。
1枚目のシングル”Gang Love”はイギリス南西部の港町ブライトンに拠点を置くレコードレーベルSex Is Disgustingから2009年にリリースされている。ちなみに最近注目を集めている若手バンドMazesもSex Is Disgustingの元からレコードを発表。レコードレーベル繋がりで、Rent BoysはロンドンでMazesと一緒にライブをしたことも。彼らの1stシングルにはタイトルの”Gang Love”の他に”*****”と”Ripped Up”が収録されている。

                                               'Gang Love'

Their 2nd single, ‘Live That Way’, was released from Death Pop records in 2010 with a memorable cover art with an eye of the vocal Bent Roy and also a lovely symbolic object of the band, I suppose, on the back side of the cover. Get their single if you’re curious what the symbolic object is. The 2nd single includes two songs ‘Live That Way’ and ‘XXX Communicate’.
彼らの2ndシングルである”Live That Way”は2010年にロンドンのレコードレーベルDeath Pop Recordsから発売されており、タイトルの”Live That Way”と”XXX Communicate”の2曲が収録されている。下の画像からも分かるように、彼らの2枚目のシングルのカバーアートは何とも興味を惹かれるデザインで、1枚目よりももっとRent Boysらしい作りになっている。裏面にはここでは貼れないものの、Rent Boysのシンボルと言ってもいい物の写真がお目見え。中を開けば「うわー」と言ってしまうような、Rent Boysのバンドとしてのイメージを安易に掴めるデザインがお出迎え。気になる方は是非とも手にとって見てください。

                                            'Live That Way'

They’ve been playing often in London lately. They’ve got slots at The 1-2-3-4 Festival Pre-party on the 8th July and also at Raw Power, a brand new underground festival in London held at Corsica Studio on the 10th July. The band has played at the Shacklewell Arms in Dalston, London on the 15th July as well. Although it seems like they have gigs in London rather than in Leeds where they’re from, they’re throwing a party night of Leeds-based bands tomorrow at The Brudenell Social Club, probably the most grass root venue in Leeds, for a stupidly cheep entry fee 0.73p. The entry fee you pay goes to Wild Trout Trust..believe it or not, do some good and enjoy the party if you’re in Leeds. :) For more detail: Facebook event page.
今月7月も8日にはThe 1-2-3-4 Festivalの前夜祭、10日には今年から始まったロンドンの新しいアングラなフェスティバルRaw Powerのステージ2にてプレイ。Raw Powerには現在ロンドンで注目を集めている日本人のバンドBo Ningenや、スペシャルゲストとして発表されたClinicなども参加していた。
また同月の15日にはDalstonに位置するクラブThe Shacklewell Armsで毎週行われるイベントBeach Creepでもプレイ。ロンドンでプレイすることが多いものの、首都にしか目を向けないお気取りバンド、という訳ではなく、しっかり地元リーズでもライブをしている。Rent Boysがリーズでライブをする際は、彼らが主催者となって企画されることが多く、明日(現地時間23日の17:00)にはリーズで最も音楽好きが集まる場所Brudenell Social Clubにてたったの0.73p(日本円にて約90円)で他に何組かのリーズのローカルバンドを集めてライブイベントを主催。ヘッドライナーはもちろんRent Boys、なぜなら”We are the best”だから。

If you haven’t seen them before yet, meet Rent Boys via Noisey. Noisey is a new style of medium that discover and document ‘the most talented emerging musicians’ and bands from around the world. Rent Boys have been discovered and featured by Noisey as, in a way, a representative band from Leeds.
去年の12月にRent BoysはリーズのCommon Placeという場所にてこれまた彼ら自身主催のライブをしており、その様子はVICEが企画する、世界中のバンドを発掘してビデオ収録にて紹介する新しいメディアNOISEYが、Rent Boysをリーズの注目株バンドとして紹介する際に撮影されています。彼らのステージパフォーマンスは奇抜な物で、白粉を塗って変質者手前の服に身を包んだメンバーがぬいぐるみやおもちゃ、服などでステージを飾り、ライブ中にそれを投げるというもの。ぬいぐるみがある時は、客がそれを引きちぎって会場がぬいぐるみの綿で敷き詰められることになるのはもうお決まり。魅力的に聞こえるそのステージパフォーマンスも、メンバー曰く明日行われるライブで最後のよう。ぬいぐるみだらけのガレージパンクバンドのライブがどういう物か気になる際は是非下のNoisey収録の動画をチェックしみてください。

In a case you’re interested in adding their singles to your cool vinyl collections and making it cooler than now it is, try getting them directly from the band by dropping them a message on their myspace.
長々と説明してきましたが、もしRent Boysに興味を持って彼らのシングルを是非手に入れたいと言う方は、彼らのMyspaceページからメンバー本人に連絡を取るか、このブログ左上部にあるContactから私に連絡してください。1stはSex Is Disgustingのサイトから、2ndはDeath Popのサイトからも入手はできますが、バンド本人たちの方が在庫を持っているうえに、幾分かお手頃価格なので直接彼らから入手するのもアリです。彼らの1stはいくつかの日本のレコードショップさんからも購入できます。

JET SET records
FILE-UNDER records (Sold Out)
Flake Records

Listen to Rent Boys on…



YouTube (live videos)


Rent Boys

Damn it, Leeds still has so many cool indie bands. It's such a good feeling when I discover them.

This time, my queston is..

Do you know a band called Rent Boys?

As I intimated above, they are from Leeds, in England. There have been some indie bands with fuzzy noise, wherever their countries are, such as No Age and Lovvers. Although Rent Boys have the fuzzy-noise sound, they've got more straightforward punk mind in their music and also stage performance (as you probably can see in the pictures above). Its roughness of their music reminds me of Iggy Pop & the Stooges. The garage punk music that makes you feel danger. These guys are crazy and damn cool with punkish gruff attitude, which could be perceived as rude by some people, but who cares when their music growls at you through those speakers. Check their music if you haven't listened to them yet..which is a big miss. I'll recommend you to wear your favourite headphones and turn the volume up as much as you can. You'll be blown away. Literary.

I won't write much this time like usual, since I am going to see Rent Boys tomorrow and write something like a live review after the gig. They are supporting Kid Congo & The Pink Monkey Birds. Some of you, who superbly read my blog, may already know, Kid Congo is a stage name of Brian Tristan who used to be the guitarlist for The Cramps, The Gun Club, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, etc. It truly is an amazing fact that Rent Boys should be proud of. I am simply excited about seeing Kid Congo & The Pink Monkey Birds but as well as Rent Boys tomorrow. It is hardly avoidable to press restart button of the playlist on their myspace.

Rent Boys are on Vice's NOISY 032. You can watch an interesting footage of the guys in a town of Leeds on here ---> NOISY 032: Rent Boys

今回私が見つけたローカルバンドはRent Boys


初めてその音楽を聞いた時に頭蓋骨を突き抜けるその粗いノイズは、パンク精神が詰まってることが直感で分かる。Iggy Pop & The Stoogesを彷彿とさせるような、危険な香りのするパンク。でも現代の若者だからなのか、どこか漂うその気だるげな、やる気なさげな雰囲気はリーズのアートや新しい音楽に敏感なカルチャーキッズの興味とハートを既に掴んでいるようで、彼らのライブには他のライブでは見られないような面白い風貌のファンたちが集まる。
風貌、といえばRent Boys自身のライブでの風貌も一見の価値あり。正にクレイジーとはこのことだ。ボーカルのAndrew Swainはバンドの中でも頭1つ分つき出るくらいに背が高くて目立つ上に、必ずと言っていいほど黒い女性物のヒール靴を常に白い靴下と合わせて着用しており、街でその姿を見ればただの不審者。
もしかするとRent Boysのコンセプトは常に"クレイジー"なのかもしれない。
様々なスタイルのバンドが存在するリーズのインディ音楽シーンでもRent Boysは逸脱した存在に映る。そんな彼らのライブは逃すにはあまりにも異様でハチャメチャすぎる。

そんなハチャメチャクレイジーなRent Boys、実はViceのウェブサイトにあるNOISYという色んな国の音楽を紹介するページで取り上げられています。
去年の12月に行われたThe Common Placeでのライブの様子などが見られます。確かに彼らはViceが気に入りそうなバンドなので、No AgeやLovversみたいにViceが目をつけるバンドやその雰囲気が好きな人にはRent Boysはオススメです。その映像はコチラで見られます。

それも全ては、私が明日Rent Boysのライブに行くからです。
なんと彼ら、Kid Congo & The Pink Monkey Birdsのサポートを明日務めるのです。Kid Congo PowersとはBrian Tristanの芸名で、彼はかつてThe Cramps, The Gun Club, Nick Cave and the Bad Seedsなどでギターを弾いていた伝説的なギタリスト。
Nick Cave and the Bad Seedsが好きな私としては見逃すわけにはいかない!ととても興奮していると同時に、初めて見るRent Boysのライブが楽しみすぎてニヤニヤと込み上げてくる笑顔を抑えるのに必死。

まだRent Boysを聞いたことが無い・興味がある方は是非彼らのmyspaceで聞いてみてください。


Rent Boys on myspace

Follow Rent Boys on Twitter

Rent Boys on facebook


Flats at The Cockpit in Leeds. 04/03/2011

New heaviness has come! which totally suits my taste and makes me feel somehow comfortable.
As a main band after four supporting bands including Keys To Machinery, Flats showed up and started a setting on their own. Their hand-written set list was pulled out of a small note book of the lead singer, Daniel Devein. In a small venue with hard-to-be-called so many people, they kicked off their first headline show in Leeds, in a DIY style with no friendly chatting. They didn’t even mind to say what song they were gonna play next, but to bomb off the minds of people there with their heavy noise. As their falsely similar songs with a self-proclaimed policy of “short, heavy and loud” style had been filled the venue, there was an idea to come up in probably all audiences’ minds that Flats have a different taste of heaviness and loudness. It’s not anything easily to be pigeonholed and well-described with complicated words but simple words as their policy does. Not to mosh, not to headbang but definitely to move in your own way just like I didn’t see audience with a synchronized move at the show. The band left the stage as soon as they finished playing the last song, and the audiences were left with excitements which they don’t know what to do with. Flats surely succeed in building up the audiences’ likings in Leeds. They will deserve a bigger venue and audience next time, and it’d be an unmissable gig for you. Don't miss it!

Here's the set list of the gig.

Lack of Stature
Are You Feeling Rusty?
Big Souls
Never Again
Isolation Chamber
Flats Waltz

This is my very first gig of the band, and they made it sure that Flats are definitely one of the live bands. The heaviness and loudness can hardly be felt from listening to their music on vinyls. Its togetherness of the fast and aggressive playing creates an inimitable sound that makes you feel good. I mean, haven't you gotten like a really good feeling inside of you when you listen to music that exactly suits your tatse live? For me, when I listen to music with my taste of loudness and heaviness that reverberates through my skin at gigs, that feels so good.
Never Again is their new single and they have a music video for the first time. The video is directed by BretonLABs and actually Breton is also my favourite band. :)I put the video at the bottom of this post. Have a look at it!




今回のライブでもプレイされた"Never Again"が彼らの新曲です。デビューシングルのようで、iTunesで配信されており、彼らの初となるミュージックビデオも少し前に作成されました。ちなみにビデオを監督したのは、私の好きなバンドBretonです。

I took several more pictures at the gig. If you're interested, visit my Flickr! ---> here


Pretty Riddles

Introducing another cool band! Yay!

So this time, I wanna ask you this one.
Do you know a band called Pretty Riddles?

Barry Edwards -Guitar
Chris Lodge -Drums
Paul Lodge –Guitar/Vocal
Shaun Swallow –Bass

Pretty Riddles are still a local band, but have a hope of being one of those young bands from Leeds that will be known by more people soon. They are a 4 piece indie band from Leeds, which is my city! There’re so many indie bands in Leeds, but Pretty Riddles are definitely a band that catch many people’s eyes with its music now. If you look at their myspace, you can find that they put Alternative/ Ambient/ Indie as their genre of music, but just ignore it, don’t judge them with self-proclaimed genre, again. haha They also show on their myspace their influential bands, which are The Velvet Underground/ The Strokes /Joy Division, The Beatles, The Doors/ Iggy & The Stooges and other varied kinds of bands. However, my first impression of their music doesn’t really remind me the influential bands they name, since the singer has a cool voice and the way of singing which has some resembles to old-school garage and psycho bands from late 50s to 60s such as The Sonics. I won't say that they also sound like those bands though, because they have more springy rock n roll sound.

There was an event which several local bands played in a place called Milo in Leeds and it was the first time to see Pretty Riddles for me. It seemed like they already have “general customers” at their shows. As a sign of it, many people came in before they play and suddenly made the place a venue for Pretty Riddles. I could see that many local music people believe and have strong feelings that this band have something and become more than just a local band. I met a guy who came to see Pretty Riddles at the event and he said that Pretty Riddles is the best band he’s ever seen in Leeds.

They’re now in the running in to play at Friends of Mine Festival which has Charlatans and The Buzzcocks as headliners. Other new indie bands I’ve introduced before like Flats and The Heartbreaks will also play at the festival. This is the last week you can support Pretty Riddles by clicking the "like" button on its facebook page. Go listen to them on their myspace, and if you like them, move them higher on the list with your vote now! :) Vote For Pretty Riddles To Play Friends of Mine Festival

Pretty Riddles - AmD by prettyriddles

Pretty Riddles - Sturm Und Drang by prettyriddles

今回紹介するのは、このブログで最もインディなバンドと言っても過言ではないPretty Riddles
Pretty Riddlesは私が今いる街、イギリスはリーズの4人組ローカルバンド。
メンバーはPaul Lodge -Guitar/ Vocal, Barry Edwards -Guitar、Shaun Swallow –Bass、 Chris Lodge -Drumsの4人。
イギリスのリーズと言えばThe Sunshine UndergroundやPulled Apart By Horses、今少しずつメディアに取り上げられ始めているChickenhawkなど音に勢いのある、ヘビーな音のバンドが輩出される街として有名だけど、Pretty Riddlesは軽快で、50年代後半や60年代のRock n' Rollを彷彿とさせるようなサウンドのバンドです。知ったきっかけは、彼らがmyspaceでリクエストを送ってくれたから。
軽い気持ちでアップされている音楽を聞いてみて、かっこいい!と。彼ら自身はmyspaceで音楽のジャンルとしてAlternative/ Ambient/ Indieを挙げているけど、実際に彼らが影響を受けているバンドを見てみればThe Velvet UndergroundやThe StrokesにThe Beatles, The Doors, Joy Division, Iggy and the Stoogesなどジャンルと年代に富んだ面白いバンドの名前を挙げてる。
軽快で聞きやすいRock n' Rollな音も魅力的だけど、私が何よりもこのバンドに興味を持ったのは
そのボーカルの声。Paulの声は少しハスキー、でも高めの声をしてて、彼が軽くシャウトをした時はThe Sonicsみたいな50年代、60年代のガレージサイコのバンドを思い起こさせます。
Pretty Riddlesはトリのバンドの3番目前くらいだったけど、既に固定のファンがいるようで
中には「Pretty Riddlesはリーズで見たインディバンドの中で1番だ!」という人もいて、沢山の人がこのバンドに期待していることが伺えました。
はてさて、このリーズで徐々に注目を集めてきているPretty Riddlesは現在6月にイギリスのマンチェスターで開催されるFriends of Mine Festivalに出るために頑張っています。
Friends of Mine FestivalはThe CharlatansやThe Buzzcocksがヘッドライナーを務めるフェスで
他にもBlack LipsやFlatsやThe Heartbreaksなどがプレイします。
Vote for Pretty Riddles to Play Friends of Mine Festivalっていうfacebookページを立ち上げて
ぜひPretty Riddles、チェックしてみてください~
Pretty Riddles on myspace
Pretty Riddles on facebook

Listen to Pretty Riddles on SoundCloud


The Skints

From this post, I'll focus on introducing new bands. I wanna write how gigs I went were on here as well, but since I found that it's more interesting for me to introduce new bands, the main focus of this blog will be discovering new bands and sharing their cool music with you. :)

So, this time, I wanna ask if you know a band called The Skints?

Jonathan Doyle: Bass
Marcia Richards: Organ/ Sax/ Melodica/ Flute/ Vocals
Jamie Kyriakides: Drums/ Vocals
Joshua Waters Rudge: Guitar/ Vocals

It's cool if you've never heard of them before. The Skints are 4 piece new band from East London formed in 2008. Their music is categorized (by them, according to their myspace and also facebook) into Dub/Reggae/Alternative. I remember that they used to put Punk into one of their genres of music before, but seems like they changed it to Alternative, which is interesting because their music is a fusion of Reggae, Ska, Punk and Dub. It could be called as Alternative. I don't really like putting music into the box of genres but we need it since it helps us to imagine what kind of music they play, and also to imagine if the music will fit your taste or not. HOWEVER, I don't recommend you to judge The Skints only by their self-stated genre of music.

According to their biography on their myspace, they've played with famous bands with Ska, reggae and punk taste such as Less Than Jake, The King Blues, The Slackers, etc. When I first knew The Skints is also when I first saw them live. It was at a show of a gypsy punk band from NYC Gogol Bordello at The Uni of Leeds last November. The Skints supported the band during their UK tour. To be honest, I was not interested in Reggae or Ska at that time and since I've heard that The Skints are very reggae-tasted band, I didn't really expect myself to enjoy their show. However, the band totally changed my image of Reggae and Ska music with their unique and very original way of performing. They were full of energy at the show and I couldn't help myself to move my body with their music. As I noted above, Marcia plays a couple of instruments as she sings, like oegan, melodica, sax and flute. Such a genius girl! It was one of new and enjoyable moments from their show to see Marcia playing several instruments. Well, she looked a bit busy by doing that but it definitely is an essencial element for the band to be original. The guitarist Joshua Rudge looks like a boy who's in a punk band, and it actually is my first impression of him. He's one of the triple vocals along with Marcia and Jamie with a striking husky voice. I think that his guitar sound and voice makes The Skints' music more powerful and punky. The taste of punk gives their music an originality and make it sound different. Even if you are not interested in Reggae or Ska, The Skints are worth to give a try because there already is a girl who used to avoid Reggae and Ska music but became a fan of the band. They also gave me an opportunity to broaden my taste of music and listen to other reggae influenced or totally reggae bands. :)

So Why Not Try Them?

This is a fan-made music video for their song 'Mindless' from their 1st album 'Live, Breath, Build, Believe.'
You can get their first album here http://livebreathebuildbelieve.bigcartel.com/

This one is their new single 'Up Against The Wall'. B-side for this single is 'Where The Raggaman Go' which is more like a remixed version of Up Against the Wall.
They are currently on the road with Reel Big Fish. For further information, visit their myspace or facebook.

今回紹介するのは、イギリスのイーストロンドン出身のThe Skints.
彼らのmyspaceには音楽のジャンルとしてDub, Reggae, Alternativeが表記されているけれども
彼らは今まで数々のレゲエ、スカバンドのサポートを務めていて、その中にはイギリスのスカバンドであるThe King Bluesの他にもLess Than JakeやThe Slackersといったアメリカのバンドもいます。
私がThe Skintsを初めてみたのは、NYのGypsy PunkバンドGogol Bordelloが私が今大学生活を送っているリーズの大学でライブをした時。The SkintsはメインサポートとしてGogol Bordelloのイギリスでのライブに参加。初めにサポートバンドがレゲエ系のバンドだと聞いたとき、正直レゲエやスカにあまり興味が無かった私は、いまいち期待せずに、なんだ変わったバンドをサポートに選んだなーと思っていました。
4人のメンバーのうち3人がボーカルを務める面白いスタイルで、紅一点のMarciaはキレイな声で歌うだけでなくオルガン、サックス、フルートにピアニカと4つの異なる楽器を使い分けて演奏。正直、ライブ中にMarcia忙しそうだな~とか、サックスのベルトがマイクにひっかかってるよー!なんて思ったりはしたけど「そのサックスの音は無くてもいいだろう」とか思うことは一切なく、The Skintsのただのレゲエやスカという説明では片付けられない独特で面白いサウンドを生かす役割をしてたように思った。
もう一人のボーカルでもあるギターのJoshuaは見た目はパンクバンドのお兄ちゃん。でも、彼の耳に残る印象的なハスキーボイスでラップの様に早口で歌う姿は、単純にかっこよくて、The Skintsにパンク要素を織り込んでいる不可欠な存在。彼のその声とギターのおかげで、このバンドの音楽は少しパンクっぽく、荒々しくなっているように思う。
最後にもう一人のボーカルであるドラマ―のJamieは、よく通るレゲエ色の強い声をしていて、彼がメインで歌う曲Bright Girlは、イーストロンドン出身の音楽とは思えないくらいに明るくてハッピーなレゲエサウンド。そのBright Girlは彼らのデビューアルバム『Live. Breath. Build. Believe.』に入ってます。

The Skintsは現在Reel Big Fishをサポート中で、イギリス+ヨーロッパ数カ国をツアー中です。もし彼らの曲が気になったら、下のリンクからmyspaceに飛んで聞いてみてください☆
デビューアルバムはhttp://livebreathebuildbelieve.bigcartel.com/ からオーダーできます。が、イギリスなので、今すぐに欲しい!というかたはiTunesで探してみてください。既に売られてますよ~。


The Skints on Myspace

"Like" The Skints on facebook

Follow The Skints on Twitter


The White Stripes ended.

I just found disappointing news today. The White Stripes announced that they oficially ended. :( They hadn't worked for a while but I've heard that they're gonna make a new album or something but seems like it was just a rumour. I'm a big fan of The Dead Weather which is one of Jack White's project, so I hope he's gonna work on the band more and more.
For further information, visit http://www.nme.com/news/the-white-stripes/54804

The White Stripesが正式に解散を発表し、その14年間に渡る2人での音楽活動に幕を閉じるとのこと。残念。ブランクがあったものの、そろそろまた活動を再開するって風の頼りを聞いたけど、噂にすぎなかったようで。
うちはThe Dead Weatherのファンなので、Jack Whiteがその活動にもっと力を注ぐことを希望。ツアーとかしてイギリス・日本に来てほしいな。最近JackはボーカルとしてDanger Mouseの音楽プロジェクトRomeに参加したりしてるけど、個人的にはThe Dead Weatherを頑張ってほしいな~。あのバンドの音はとっても私好みなのです。にしても、The White Stripesが解散って残念だな。



I found a cool video tributing to NYC..more like in homage to the city? Anyway, the video really makes me wanna go to the city. It's full of art and music, then why not going there? I feel a need to go there because of my taste of music. I've been thinking about the meaning of "What are your favourite bands?" and "What kind of music do you like?". When you ask those typical questions to get to know people, you don't really mean to know their most favourite bands or talk about music seriously. But for me, that kind of questions are not easy to answer and makes me end up listing many names of bands I like. I think everybody has like lists of music you like in their heads and the top of the lists probably often change depending on your feelings and moods. I do have a list of My Music. I like so-called indie rock and UK rock including classic rock like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, T. Rex, Primal Scream, Arctic Monkeys, The Maccabees, Mystery Jets, The Kooks, The Libertines, The Horros, Blood Red Shoes...I can list so many bands like this. But, I also like classic punk especially from the US like Iggy and the Stooges, Richard Hell & The Voidoids, Johnny Thunders, New York Doll, MC5 and even Lou Reed whichever if you categorize him into punk or not. Ah I dig enjoyable rock music that I can dance with, like JET, Franz Ferdinand and The Fratellis. I really like these bands and musicians but what most gets me excited is more unique and experimental such as Liars, Death From Above 1979 and The Dead Weather..um I think The Horrors could be in this group as well. Also lazy rock/punk like Lovvers, No Age, Wavves and The Strange Boys. Although I don't know if people call them flower punk, other or something else, I call them lazy punk/rock..in an artistic way. haha Those music really really make me feel something I can't explain, which feels good, comes from the bottom of my heart and simply makes me happy and love music more and more. I think music that makes you feel like that is what you call 'my favourite music' or 'my music'. Yup, that's it. I haven't been able to stop thinking about music these days especially when I come back from clubs where play indie rock. I like taking music seriously, because it's more than entertainment for me. :)
I think I'll probably go to NYC in a couple of years anyway!

*this video doesn't belong to me. This would be deleted without any warning.

The song played in this video is 'Thumbs Off' by The Clean. The song really goes well with the footage that represents NYC, but The Clean is an indie rock band from New Zealand. They formed tha band in 1978 and released their first singe in 1981 which is 'Tally Ho!'. This info is all from wikipedia, and I don't really know about them yet, so if you're interested in them and like the song in the video, go check them! It seems like they're still together as The Clean and they have their myspace.


Little Barrie at The Blues Kitchen 31/12/2010


Wow, I blogged again in the same month! It's pretty rare for me, but I'll try to make it "the usual" from today. :) So, it's 2011 everybody! How was your New Year Eve and New Year? Hope you had a fun and amazing night and the 1st day of 2011. Me? I did have an amazing one at The Blues Kitchen in Camden, London...with Little Barrie! haha Let me introduce Little Barrie first in a case there's anybody who doesn't know who they are yet.

Little Barrie is a 3 piece band from London, formed in Nottingham in 1999. Their genre of music is mainly Rock 'n' Roll and Blues rock but they also categorize themselves as Alternative/ Garage/ R&B. Mm, I love garage rock. haha There are two former drummers for the band, Wayne Fulwood and Billy Skinner and currently members are Barrie Cadogan-vocals & guitar, Lewis Wharton-Bass and Virgil Howe-Drums. They released two albums before and now they have a new album called 'King of the Waves' which is coming out in February.

Ok, and there was a NYE gig of Little Barrie at The Blues Kitchen in Camden. The Blues Kitchen has a small stage for gigs and many bands and musicians have played at there including non-blues bands such as Mystery Jets, Baby Shambles and The Maccabees even though the place is basically for Blues, R&B and R'N'R. It was the first time to see Little Barrie for me and my friend, and both of us just overwhelmed by Barrie's guitar technique. Since he's supported many musicians like Paul Weller, Morrisey and Primal Scream, you prob already know this but he is damn good at playing the guitar. I can feel how he likes playing the guitar just by watching the band playing. I couldn't believe that it was a sound creating by only three people. Now they have Virgil Howe as their drummer and his drumming is so powerful and fast that I couldn't even take clear photos of him. haha The bassist Lewis Wharton plays the bass smoothly and was like a typical bassist in a rock band that means playing the bass calmly, not moving too much but being unmissable to make the sound alive and more aggressive. Their NYE gig was really fun and exciting. I couldn't stop wearing a smile on my face during the gig cause I was so happy to be there. They went off the stage before the countdown, and I got their setlist right after the gig. Here it is. :)

Surf Hell
Twisted Little Blades
Pin That Badge
Money In Paper
Why Don't You Do It?
We can't Work It Out
Tip It Over
Burned Out
New Diamond Love
Love You
Move on So Easy
I Can't Wait
Pay To Join

As I remember, they only did one song after 'Love You' since it seemed like they had to finish their gig before the countdown. I'm not sure which song they did. Probably 'Move On So Easy' as in order of the setlist? After Little Barrie played, DJ group Hits Dont Hurt came back on the stage and we all welcomed 2011! Also The Killer Meters played after that. Members are different from some pictures I saw before the gig, but I ennjoyed it. I like their original songs but I liked their cover as well especially James Brown's 'Sex Machine'. :) I put some pics and also a film from the gig that I took below these Japanese writing. Have a look at them!

うちは贅沢なことにイギリスはロンドンで2011年を迎えました!ロンドンはカムデンにあるThe Blues KitchenにてLittle Barrieのギグ!
会場になったCamdenにあるThe Blues KitchenはBlues, R&BやRock 'n' Rollがメインのバーで、中に小さなステージを設けています。今まで色んなバンドやミュージシャンが演奏をしていて、その中にはMystery JetsやBaby ShamblesにThe Maccabeesとジャンルが異なるバンドも結構来ています。
Little Barrieはメンバーがカムデンに住んでいることもあってか、このバーで何回か演奏したことがあるようです。Little Barrieの演奏を生で見るのは今回が初めてだったけど、とにかくBarrieの演奏に圧倒された。
今までにPaul WellerやPrimal Screamのサポート、Morriseyへの楽曲提供をしてるくらいだから、ファンの人なら知ってるかもしれないけど、とにかくBarrieのギターテクは凄い。
今まで2回ドラムが変わってるLittle Barrie、2008年から現在までVirgil Howe(イエスのギタリストの息子!)がドラマーを務めています。
Little Barrieは2011年のカウントダウン前に演奏を終えなきゃダメだったようで、上に書いてあるセットリストによれば'Love You'の後に3曲プレイする予定が、時間の都合上1曲だけプレイしてステージを降りました。その最後の曲がMove on So Easyだったかどうかは定かではないですが、順番通りのはず。。うーん。不確か。 :(
Little Barrieのギグの後にはThe Blues Kitchen専属?のようなDJユニットHits Dont Hurtがカウントダウンをして、その後にThe Killer Metersがプレイ。ボーカル紅一点のFunkなバンドで、ドラムはLittle BarrieのVirgilがグラムロックスターを思わせるようなハットと煌びやかなジャケットを着てプレイしていました。
カバーを何曲かしていて、個人的にはJames BrownのSex Machineのカバーがお気に入りでした。

'Love You' -Little Barrie.
This film is taken by me and from my YouTube channel. I didn't wanna have my own YouTube page but I had to since Blogger didn't work well on uploading the film. :(
うちが撮ったNYEギグの映像。'Love You'の最後の方です。やっぱりBarrieのギタープレイは最高!

and this is a music video for 'Love You'. I want you to listen to the song with a clear sound not only in the film I took since the sound cracked a bit.
まだちゃんと聴いたことが無い人の為に'Love You'のオフィシャルミュージックビデオをペタリ。この頃のドラマーは2人目のドラマーBilly Skinnerです。

I found that Japanese version of their new album has already come out last month and it includes a couple of more songs! Aw I'm jealous. haha



Hellllo! it's been a while since last post as usual. Anyway this time, let me introduce a cool band that is on my recent favourite playlist! Do you know a band called Flats?

They're 4 piece indie band from London.
Members are...Craig E. Pierce -Bass
                        Daniel Devine - Vocals
                        Luke Tristram - Guitar
                        Samir Eskanda - Drums
According to their myspace, they categorize their music as Big Beat/ Concreat/ Experimental. They also put 'Punk' as one of their music genre on their facebook page. To be honest, I have no idea what concreat is as a music genre, but the singer Dan Devine, who's on the cool list of 2010 in NME, says "Our songs have to be fast, short and heavy". I think the three simple words explain their music pretty well. When you first hear their songs, you might think they sound similar since their songs exactly are fast, short and heavy as the singer describes but their music is addictive and stucks in your head especially if you like the rough and distorted guitar sound. When I listened to one of their song "Big Souls", I felt that their music can be described as experimental hardcore. Mm, sounds cool, doesn't it? ♥
They now have two EPs and they're available from Loog Records or their merch store. They also have upcoming shows from the March 2nd in the UK. You can check their gig schedule on their myspace (the link is the bottom of this post). Their last show was the December 8th in Brighton, Brighton Concorde 2, as a supporting band of Blood Red Shoes. They're coming to my current city Leeds during the tour in March! I think I'll probably going to see them. :)

Find more artists like FLATS at Myspace Music

Flatsはイギリスはロンドン出身の4人組インディバンド。Myspace上では、彼らは自分たちをBig Beat/ Concreat/ Experimentalと分類してて、NMEの2010年Cool Listにもその姿を現したボーカルのDan Davineは自分たちの音楽について「俺たちの曲は速くて、短くて、重くないとダメ。」と、とてもシンプルなポリシーを持ってます。
初めて聞いた時は、ノイズ..と思いつつもExperimental hardcoreだなと思った。そのまんま、実験的でハードコア。笑
今FlatsはEPを2枚Loog Recordsから出しているので、興味のあるかたはLoog RecordsのショップかFlatsのmerch storeでどうぞ。たった£5.99で買えます~。

最後にしたギグは12月8日にイングランドの港町BrightonのBrighton Concorde 2で、日本でもデビューアルバムで注目を浴びたblood Red Shoesのサポートを務めました。
Blood Red Shoesと少しテイストが違うのでは...?と思ったけど、experimentalな感じと、曲全体を通して漂う暗い雰囲気が似てるかも。

FlatsはNMEの注目を受けているバンドで、ニューカマーバンドのツアーEmerge NME Radarに2010年参加。ボーカルDanのインタビューのビデオがNMETVでアップされてるので、興味があればyoutubeで検索してみてください。
Flats took part in Emerge NME Radar in 2010 with other newcomer bands like Joy Formidable and Chapel Club. There is a video of the singer talked to NME on youtube. Just youtube it if you're interested!

Try their songs on their myspace. :)
Flats on Myspace

Like Flats on facebook

Follow Flats on Twitter