
Taken By Trees.

I have to admit that Rough Trade Records have an eye for good music "for me". There're many bands' names you can see on their website here http://www.roughtraderecords.com/ and as far as I've checked, about 60% of the bands suit my taste. Um, might be 70%?? Not sure since I'm still working on it! Checking all bands on their website. haha
Today, I found a lovely singer song writer called Taken By Trees from Rough Trade. Taken By Trees is a solo project of Victoria Bergsman who was a lead singer of Swedish band The Concreates. A sweet and girly taste of The Concreates is still alive in her solo project, but it gets sweeter and girlier and less pop. Her songs are like sweet and bitter songs that are brought by a cute girl in love. I should look up her lyrics to know how close my first impression of Taken By Trees is.

Rough Trade Recordsのサイトからアーティストを見まくってて、見つけた素敵なミュージシャンTaken By Trees (Victoria Bergsman)。彼女はかつてThe Concreatesというスウェーデンのバンドのボーカルで、このTaken by Treesは彼女のソロプロジェクト。The Concreatesの可愛らしくて、女の子らしい要素は健在してるけど、ポップな感じは削れて曲の女の子らしさに磨きがかかった感じ。
特に私が見つけた下のMusic Videoの内容は恋する女の子の可愛いけど、複雑で少し憂鬱なのが感じ取れて、私のTaken By Treesの第一印象は、恋する女の子が作った可愛くてほろ苦い曲。そういうの、大好き。笑 単純に彼女の声も好きだし。Rough Trade Recordsは私好みの音楽で溢れてるな。

Official site: http://www.takenbytrees.com/

I love her voice. :)